Jujubibasharon (the Discourse on the Ten Stages) (十住毘婆沙論)

"Jujubibasharon" is a treatise on Buddhism in 17 volumes. The author is Ryuju, who was an Indian Buddhist scholar. The only version that exists today is the Sinitic version translated by Kumaraju in the early 5th century, and both the Sanskrit original text and the Tibetan version are lost.

The existing Sinitic version is written in verse and prose, and the Buddhist text in verse is explained in prose. It is a question whether the prose was written by Ryuju.

It is said that Kumaraju translated the oral tradition chanted by Buddhayazas, who was an Indian priest, into Sinitic. However, legend has it that the translation was unaccomplished because they conflicted over the way it was translated. Because Kumaraju put his own explanations and Buddhist scriptures that he remembered into his translation, it is likely that the prose part contains many of them.

The book is a commentary on the "Dashabhumika-sutra" (Sutra of the Ten Stages), in which the idea and practice of Mahayana Bodhisattva is explained based on "Dashabhumika-sutra."

The 'Easy Practice Chapter' (Igyo-bon) explaining the easy path via nenbutsu (Buddhist invocation) in the Jodo (Pure Land) sect caught special attention in later ages, and many researches were conducted into the chapter. However, there are few studies on the book as a whole.

Since the book is closely related to the "Bodhisambhara-sastra" by Ryuju, it is a very important treatise for understanding Mahayana Buddhism.

Recently published documents include 'Jujubibasharon' (the Discourse on the Ten Stages) in two volumes revised and annotated by Ryushin Uryuzu (New Japanese translation of Tripitaka and commentaries (新国訳大蔵経釈経論部)12,13 Daizo Shuppan).

[Original Japanese]